The Program
The Brisbane Early Parenting Centre offers an early intervention program designed to help parents create a strong emotional bond with their baby.
Responsive settling is a gentle approach to interpreting your baby's cries and then responding appropriately to help them in getting to sleep. We work in partnership with you in finding the best way for you and what you are comfortable with in achieving your goals. The process may vary in length of time, as children are all very unique and individual in their needs.
We will work with families to ascertain what they would like to achieve during the program by identifying the parents' strengths to achieve success.
The program will involve individual support, advice and education and group sessions.
In addition to meeting the individual needs of our parents, group sessions at the Brisbane Early Parenting Centre may include the following topics:
- Sleep and settling information;
- Nutrition and family eating;
- Circle of Security/Attachment Parenting;
- Adjustment to parenting;
- Feeding/breastfeeding (as required);